Note: Since HHC 2012 is over, the information on this web page is obsolete, but it is kept online as a record of the event.Anyone may submit a paper for inclusion in the HHC 2012 Proceedings. You need not attend the conference to submit a paper.
Papers may be about anything related to the use or design of programmable handheld computing devices, especially (but not limited to) those made by Hewlett-Packard. Papers in previous HHC Proceedings have been primarily about techniques (hardware, software, and implementation issues); system design; specific applications (from serious work to leisurely pastimes); evaluation of HP designs; emulators; and collectors’ information.
Pages must be formatted for “letter” size paper (8.5 inches wide, 11 inches long). Please use a ¾-inch margin on all edges. The HHC Conference Committee will add the appropriate footer, which includes the Proceedings page number, the date, and this HHC 2012 logo:
The Conference Proceedings are produced in black and white. If your paper contains any color pages, then you must, at your own expense, produce enough copies of those pages for inclusion in every copy of the Proceedings. We must have them in hand by the evening before the Conference, in time for the traditional Proceedings Stuffing Party.
No paper has ever been edited or rejected for any of our past conferences. All papers submitted to HHC 2012 should be original, unpublished work. Any paper that has been previously published in equivalent or substantially similar form by any other conference or in any other journal may be rejected. This is not an absolute rule and any paper that meets the goal of the Conference will be considered. Copyrights to others must be respected.
Submissions are treated as confidential communications during the review process, so submission does not constitute public disclosure of any ideas therein. Submissions should contain no information or materials that will be proprietary or confidential at the time of publication (September 22, 2012), and should cite no publications that are proprietary or confidential at the time of publication.
To submit your paper, just email it to Richard Nelson
before September 15.