Most HHC 2013 attendees stayed at the Cambria Suites Hotel in Fort Collins, just down the street from HP. This facilitated socializing after hours, arranging carpools, comparing programming techniques while lounging in the hotel’s indoor whirlpool, and so on.Cambria Suites, which was also the official hotel of HHC 2009 and HHC 2010, once again offered us a special room rate, and this year it was even less than in 2009 and 2010!
The special HHC 2013 rate was only $72 per night (plus taxes), single king, or $82 double queen.
The following is obsolete information, but is left online for historical reasons.
To reserve a room at this awesome HHC 2013 rate, you must call the hotel direct at 970-267-9000. Be sure to mention “HHC 2013” for the special HHC rate! This special rate offer is not available online or by toll-free telephone; it is only available by direct telephone call. The offer is good until they run out of rooms or August 20, whichever comes first. After the August 20 deadline, they might be able to extend the special rate for you; it’s worth a try.
Contact Richard J. Nelson
if you have any questions or hotel issues.
Cambria Suites Hotel
2921 Harmony Road
Fort Collins, CO 80528
Front desk: (970) 267-9000 (Special HHC 2013 rate is only available by calling this number direct!)
Hotel info: (Special HHC 2013 rate is not available online!)![]()
The hotel features “Reflect,” an in-house contemporary bistro-style restaurant and full-service bar that serves breakfast and dinner. Most conference attendees will purchase breakfast there. Note that breakfast is not included in the special HHC 2013 room rate.
“Reflect” — Breakfast Bar
Choices, choices, choices
The time and location of the optional pre-conference Friday dinner for early arrivers will be posted here.
The time and location of the optional post-conference Sunday dinner will be announced at the conference and posted here.Lunch and dinner on Saturday, and lunch on Sunday, are at HP, and are included in the conference fee.
When What Where Cost Comments Friday Lunch NIST cafeteria $$ Optional pre-conference tour of NOAA & NIST Dinner TBA $$ Optional pre-conference dinner for early arrivers Saturday Breakfast Hotel ∅ Complimentary at hotel Lunch At conference, hosted by HP ∅ Covered by conference fee Dinner At conference, hosted by HP Sunday Breakfast Hotel ∅ Complimentary at hotel Lunch At conference, hosted by HP ∅ Covered by conference fee Dinner TBA $$ Optional, but most of us will be there Monday Breakfast Hotel ∅ Optional post-conference breakfast for late departers Lunch NIST cafeteria $$ Optional post-conference tour of NIST & NOAA
Transportation between Hotel and Airport
Please read Richard Nelson’s writeup about that.